商业机会 产品大全 企业名录 我商务中心 | | 手机站 网址:sengle.qy6.com 供应tyco旋变 胜格电气_胜格电气(上海)有限公司
联系人:Lee 先生 (销售)
电 话:021-69527275
手 机:18019307276


供应tyco旋变 胜格电气


    SENGLE 胜格电气(上海)有限公司

TYCO旋变 胜格电气(上海)有限公司 旋转变压器适用于恶劣的环境,耐油污,抗震,性能稳定等特点。

1 General Description

The use of sensors for determining angles increases with

progressive automation. The hollow shaft resolver has long

won its own steady position on the market and can nowadays

be found in many modern, high-precision control systems.

Due to its design, the hollow shaft resolver boasts of a service

live above average. Reliability as well as high precision

and low space requirements supplement its favorable characteristics.

It remains fully operable even under extreme

environmental conditions.

Essentially, the resolver mechanically consists of a stationary

stator and a movable rotor. Electrically it consists of of a

transformer for supplying the rotor with power and a second

transformer for determining angles.

The first transformer has a concentric design and is functionally

independent of angle values. The second, angle-dependent

transformer is made of a stator winding and a rotor

winding. The windings of these two transformer components

are designed such that the number of windings in the

grooves correspond to the values of a sinoid.

2 TYCO旋变的型号 (Overview of Standard Types)

Size 15: V23401-D1001-B1.. V23401-D1008-B1.. V23401-D1009-B1.. V23401-S1001-B1..

Size 21: V23401-T1002-B1.. V23401-H1002-B1.. V23401-T1005-B1.. V23401-H1005-B1..

V23401-T1009-B1.. V23401-H1009-B1.. V23401-T2001-B2.. V23401H2001B2....- V23401-H2009-B2.. V23401-T2010-B2.. V23401-H2010-B2.. V23401-T2014-B2

V23401-H2014-B2.. V23401-T2015-B2. V23401-H2015-B2. V23401-U1016-B1..

V23401-U2017-B2.. V23401-U2020-B2

3 输入输出图

4 产品图片

Lee 先生 (销售)  
电  话: 021-69527275
传  真: 021-69527278
移动电话: 18019307276
公司地址: 中国上海嘉定区上海市嘉定区沪宜公路3518号15幢111室
邮  编: 201800
公司主页: http://sengle.qy6.com(加入收藏)

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胜格电气(上海)有限公司 公司地址:中国上海嘉定区上海市嘉定区沪宜公路3518号15幢111室
Lee 先生 (销售) 电话:021-69527275 传真:021-69527278
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